Monday 11 August 2014

HEAD over to My New Site to Catch up on Everything!


If you're here you're probably wondering why I haven't posted in a while. It's because I've been converting everything to wordpress! SO head over there and check it out!!

Tuesday 8 July 2014

While I've been away!

So for a while I unwillingly imploded...Yes, and now I'm back! Alive. And ready. SO I've been in a walker kind of gaze. You know the one where you aimlessly walk around and will eat anything that presents itself as food (No I'm not eating other people). Also I just finished an EXTREME marathon of The Walking Dead, which is why I'm still talking about it! Okay, on a serious note. I'm ready. I've been writing, and also expanding my writing skills.

I've always played with the idea of being a songwriter. I don't have an amazing voice, but I love to write and I love music. Ever since I started playing the guitar it's kind of become my second passion. I guess it's another way for me to express myself and to connect with a different group of people. I also love to tell tell a large story through a small roundabout way. Though I love to do this, it will in no way get in the way of the Deviations series, or others that I am writing. But now that the haze of imploding has faded I am getting back to what I know best: writing.

Friday 6 June 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

The Book (of amazingness) turned movie!!

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting on my couch staring at my computer. I was writing, but suddenly stopped when I heard the trailer accompanied by the amazing Ed Sheeran. The short commercial was about a girl who had cancer, but it wasn't a story about cancer. Intrigued I looked up the book online and read some reviews. The next morning I got out of bed early and headed straight for the nearest book store. I had this really weird feeling in my gut that this is a book I would want to actually own in a tangible way. I came home later that day and completely forgot about it, until later that night.

It was Saturday night, and I'd slowly cracked the pages to a story that I hadn't anticipated. A story that I couldn't  put down. (Now it's hard for a person like me to not like any form of entertainment; i.e., books, movies, songs, TV shows, but this one...this one was going to change me.) And it's weird because I hear people talk about books that change them, I mean even Hazel Grace and Augustus read a book that changed them, and on some small spectrum I've felt this way-changed, but to be honest I fell in love with the book that not only made me cry, but made me laugh while I was crying. I mean...I's something I've never experienced while reading. But to make matters worse, I read the whole book in less than twelve hours to the TFIOS soundtrack (The music was amazing). I mean really--what the hell was I thinking. But here's the thing, I love the book for more than Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. I love TFIOS for so much more! The way that it inspires the youth to speak with eloquence and teaches them to not be lazy with their words! Green writes with such amazing words that I hope kids and future generations talk like this...that they find beauty in amazing words, and in all honesty in being smart. I just pray for real people like them out there!

Here we go....Now came the movie...So I pretty much took myself on a date because I didn't want anyone else to see me bawl my eyes out. So there I was munching on my sour patch kids and waiting for it to start. When it finally did my palms began to sweet because I knew what was about to happen. I would fall head-over-heels for a story that was going to take me on a roller coaster (that's only going up--haha Gus would approve) My heart stuttered as Augustus explained his metaphor. I bit the inside of my cheek as he told her that he'd asked the Genies for their wish, and by the time he told her that he loved her I was just...gone. I was lost, and I reveled in it! I reveled in a great book being turned into such an amazing depiction of what it should look like. By the time it came to find out about Augustus, I just felt it all over again; (though, this time no one was around to hold me) I just watched as Hazel Grace gave her eulogy. Then to one of my favorite parts in the book, when Hazel has the moment with her Dad after the funeral. It's my favorite because it's true--it's a privilege to love someone, and no amount of pain changes that (though pain demands to be felt). And the way the scene was filmed was so personal, just like how I read it. 

There wasn't much that they changed in the movie that wasn't in the book, and the things that were changed didn't hinder the story at all. There is one quote that I wish they would have had, which is the one by Augustus, 'My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.' I might have missed it, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't in there and I wish it would have been. 

Also, I am glad to say that I wasn't the most hysterical woman crying in the theatre, their were quiet a few, and I'm glad that I wasn't the loudest. I'm glad that they kept the integrity of the book, and I'm glad that I had the privilege to read it, and watch it. Also the TFIOS is a pretty amazing fandom! Some serious love for all those who have loved this book from day one! Props for knowing what's good!

Overall, I loved the book and the movie. I know I talked it up and if you hate it I'm sorry, but man oh man...just so many good things come from reading! Okay? Okay.

before and after took me a minute to gather myself.

Monday 2 June 2014

Identity Crisis.

After only a few negative reviews I have found myself struggling. Not that I don't know who I am, but I just never thought that I would care what other people thought of my work. I had always told myself that you can have the most delicious peach pie, but there will always be someone that hates peaches (I can't remember where I heard that from, but I liked it so I've applied it to my life). It's weird because I don't mind when someone critics my appearance, or my attitude. I figure that it's going to happen anyway so why let it bother me, but writing-my book, I just didn't expect it to rock me so hard. And I get it, it's just a review, don't pay attention to it, but lately brick after brick it's kicking my ass. Yes I know it's only a few reviews, chin up, and stop being a baby. But maybe, the reviews hit my exact point of what I'm most self conscious about (and I just thought about it). Then it hit me, we all go through this. The ups, and downs of our so finite lives, which in reality is a bittersweet feeling. We need the downs to prove the ups are as amazing as they really are. Am I making sense? I wish I weren't because through writing this I instantly feel better. It could also be the video my husband sent me (he saw and heard the painfully loud thrusts of my fingers as they jammed into my keyboard, and slowly walked away--Live Your Dream, Master Your Life) He's a smart man. But if you're feeling down today, and want to break several (important) items then watch it. I'm sorry for my vaguely random post today...

Thursday 22 May 2014

LLC Network

Little Light-Collective Network

So I've been keeping a little bit of a secret. Well not a secret, but I've been working on something that I think you all will LOVE! AND if you know me, then that means it has to do with writing, and books. If you don't know me, then I just gave it away... Anyways here it goes...

LLC Network
Our goal is to give writers an opportunity to share what they’ve written with others in a unique way. Unlike other publishing sites we want to find you (the writer) the right audience while exposing you to the opportunity of gaining exposure.
How do we want to do this? We want to take what you’ve written and share it with the world on a week-by-week basis. The writer (YOU) will submit a chapter, or an episode each week that consists of 10-15 pages, and we will air it (or post it). Like a TV show, we’ll help advertise and make people aware that your ‘series’ will be airing, and give them the opportunity to read your work.
Once your season (book) is over, we will compile it into an eBook as well as Paperback and set up a purchase link, where you, the author, will garnish 50% of sales, and maintain 100% of the rights to the novel. Depending on how well your series is we will discuss future opportunities with LLC Network.
If you, or anyone you know fits in with this new hybrid way of publishing send them over to LLC Network, where you can read all about us, and learn how to submit today!

Head over to the site for our launch of 'Wait, What!?' that will air on Thursday May 22, 2014!

Wednesday 21 May 2014


Lately people have been sending me pictures of my book and the places that they find it, or have received it. I think it's awesome and I honestly love seeing it in different places! So from here on out if you have my book, or find it somewhere then you can send me a message, tag me in a photo, or tweet me with it and I'll make sure to put it up on my blog! Thank you for all of the support this truly means the world to me!

My sister ordered five copies to hand out, and framed her amazing drawings!

My cousin bought the book and tagged me a picture of Deviations!
This one is one of my favorites! My cousin in law found this gem at her local library in Terreton, Idaho! Yes! It's freaking amazing, and I love it!!

Thursday 15 May 2014


Thank you to everyone who entered to win a free signed paperback copy of Deviations. The winners are! Please Message me on FB with your address, or email me!

Katrina Wright
Lara Ellis
Ruger Petersen
Ashley Coll
Kelsey LeBlanc